Monday, 25 January 2016

Brazil's solar local-content rules, By Alexandre Spatuzza, Recharge News, December 29 2014

Until the end of 2017, at least 56% of so-called “basic items”, such as electrical components and module frames, must be produced locally.

In 2018 and 2019, manufacturers must include more complex items, such as inverters and junction boxes, with an overall national content of at least 64% for crystalline silicone (cSi) projects and at least 82% for thin-film arrays (including more complex manufacturing processes for layering the cells).
From 1 January 2020, cSi arrays must have at least 76% local content, including cells and modules with at least 60% locally made content.
Wind local-content rules
From 1 January 2015, all turbine makers need to supply towers and blades that have been made using at least 60% locally produced content, plus hubs assembled in Brazil, in order for their customers to receive cheap loans from the BNDES national development bank.
From 1 January 2016, turbine makers also have to assemble nacelles in Brazil, using at least 12 components produced locally. This is a huge undertaking for a manufacturer, leading the likes of Siemens to question whether they can feasibly make such a move. 2015 will therefore be a key year for OEMs as they set up nacelle production.

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